Who would you trust to manage safety?

For shipowners across the globe, safety is first. But in a world where one must maximise efficiency - even when it comes to safety - many successful operators are turning to trust safety management with a single expert partner.

When you look at maritime safety, what do you see? Liferafts, lifeboats, immersion suits, and firefighting systems? Service and training? Compliance with rules and regulations? It can be complex for sure, but it doesn’t have to be!

For many years, the primary focus of all suppliers was to offer the products and solutions that customers needed. That goes for the maritime safety equipment business, too. Suppliers sold - and customers bought. And that was fine. One supplier would sell and service your liferafts, personal protective gear would be sourced from various vendors, and firefighting equipment would be serviced by a third company. And so on. For operators able and willing to assign the required resources and absorb the related administration, complexities, and risk involved, such processes are no issue. But surely, there’s a better way to manage safety. What if safety was the product itself – nothing more, and nothing less?

Shipowner agreement

Your safety is safe with us

For operators who enquire about such end-to-end solutions, where the bulk of safety and compliance-related administration and risk is transferred to an expert partner, without renouncing flexibility, transparency, and control – trust is the alpha and the omega.

VIKING started addressing this over 10 years and is now broadly promoting the latest addition to its Shipowner Agreement. Called Safety Management, the new top-tier option under the concept caters to those who see the large benefits to be gained from having a single global expert streamline and simplify all aspects of safety compliance – freeing up resources to boost the core business.

On the product side, Safety Management ads dynamic and digital service optimization on top of the premium safety products, proactive planning, and expert service execution at fixed prices that have already seen agreements signed up for thousands of vessels - at a 98% contract renewal rate.

No one-size-fits-all

Of course, Safety Management is not a perfect fit for every operator. Depending on several factors, such as sailing patterns, flag state, fleet size, composition, and more, some shipowners remain best suited with one of the many other options under the Shipowner Agreement concept. Many operators start out with just one or two safety equipment types under agreement and sign up for more as the benefits are established. In fact, 70% of owners expand their agreement within the first year – and this trend goes for both smaller fleets and for major global container carriers alike.

Everything included - with OEM quality
and competence

Following recent acquisitions of marine fire service major Drew Marine FSR and renowned lifeboat and davit supplier Norsafe, the product and servicing setup available under the Shipowner Agreement umbrella has never been greater. Spanning everything from premium lifesaving equipment, to globally uniform servicing with OEM competence and state-of-the-art VIKING Safety Academy training, customers can enjoy convenient access to the full-circle value chain that goes into ensuring 360° asset and crew safety at full compliance – from one supplier, globally.

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