Full description
The VIKING Norsafe K4-D hook can be installed on two different foundation types; as a flat mount solution together with an adaptor plate, or without the adaptor plate, fitting into existing Norsafe lifting foundations with vertical mounting brackets. The K4-D-FM hook has a welded-on base plate for flat surface installation, and is designed to keep the height to a minimum.
Both hooks are designed specifically for simplicity of use, and can only be opened when there is no load on the fall wire. The K4-D and K4-D-FM hooks are tested and approved in line with the LSA code as amended.
The K4-D and K4-D-FM are:
- •Successfully tested and approved by DNV GL according to MSC.81(70) as amended.
- Not sensitive to wear and tear.
- No critical tolerances.
- Made of Duplex stainless steel.
- Only visual inspection is required by the crew.
- Compatible with all Norsafe rescue boats.
- Annual service and overhaul every 5 years to be performed by OEM.